A new business needs all of the marketing help it can get. Using digital tools to enhance marketing strategies is an excellent way to get your new business recognized. Building a brand is the first step. Getting the brand, as well as your name and reputation out there is what will make your start up business a success.
Social Media – Social media sites are free and can reach virtually thousands of prospective customers in just a few short hours. Using one of the more popular sites, like Facebook or Twitter, can dramatically strengthen the power of your brand simply by putting it out across the internet to be recognized.
- • Facebook
- • Twitter
- • Instagram
- • Myspace
Mobile Apps – Mobile apps are a marketing strategist’s dream. They put the content in a person’s hand or on their laptop to be viewed anywhere, anytime. New technology allows web development professionals to format a website to fit on any size screen without distorting it or losing overall quality. |
Website – The most basic tool for a web development professional is also the most effective. Websites are an internet showcase for a startup company. Web professionals can put almost anything on a website due to the advances that have been made in IT technology. |
Create a Customer Persona – Digital marketing allows web developers to create a customer persona. By researching the individuals who visit their websites and different apps, a company will learn who is most interested in what they have to offer. Marketing strategists can take that information and develop a persona of the type of person who is most likely to buy the company’s products or promote them. |
Make Your Content Stand Out – Whether your advertising is internet based or in a magazine, content is everything. Well-written content accompanied by the right type of photographic imagery or graphics can sell almost anything to the right people. Knowing your market and providing them with the information they need to make a wise choice, is the key to digital advertising. |
Feedback Generator – A feedback generator allows customers to leave opinions on your page. You can set them up to be public or private. A good web development programmer can make it so all feedback is approved before it appears on the web page. A feedback generator is also beneficial in that it helps companies learn where they can make improvements. |
Real Time Data Analyzer – A real time data analyzer can help a web development team gain up to date, accurate information about who is visiting on your website, how long they stay and what they look at while they are there. Compiling this type of information allows determining your target audience and what types of information they are looking for. |
Opt In Mail List - An Opt in mail list works to the advantage of the marketing strategist. Unlike random email programs that send information to thousands of emails at a time, an opt in feature allows you to send emails only to people who have shown an interest in your product or service. |
SEO Rich Content – If done correctly, the SEO filled content will put your page higher in the search rankings. Key words and phrases used repeatedly throughout the article will help to continually push the page higher, each time a searcher uses them to pull up information. |
Google + – Google + is an excellent tool for startup companies to connect with other businesses. Not only does it bring them together, it strengthens each one’s ability to widen their circle of contacts and associates. It also promotes a larger marketing base. |
Digital marketing can be an effective and cost efficient tool for any start up business. With a little help from a quality IT and web development team, a marketing strategy can be created that will give the business a strong advantage over its competitors.
Thanks for the advice, Ive started to use some of these ideas for my business and many of them work.