Hello and thank you for making this post Damien, for it just might be the thing i need to start getting my amateur business started. Ive been looking for something free and easy to use other than a very underrated app called Picsart on my kindle, and i think this just might be the thing i need to get a kick start. I thank you very much and i know you are probably much more succesful than me, but if you every need any help or anything, I want you to know that i will do my best to help you. (email me if you do need help.)
Wish you best of luck,
~Bakari English Jr.
I am only familiar with Photoshop and Illustrator, however, these tools will be helpful for me in near future.
Great selection of tools. Will post something later today and send some of my followers here. Great job. We love freebies!
There are some tools that are very important and useful for graphic designers. Above all, tools are really very necessary to work in graphic design.

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Looks promising, but did you now the photos are broken, and there are no links ot those apps/pages?