I always believed that only colorful and vibrant posts have the ability to attract viewers, guess I was wrong. Few days back while browsing the net I stumbled across such beautiful pictures in black-and-white, that I could not stop myself from appreciating this art without colors.
View this excellent job by different photographers with patience and new perspective, trust me, you won’t regret it…Check this out!
Amazing view of New York City:
Breathtaking under water view:
Pain and Peace:
Sensuous Lady by Michele Clement:
Climbing Penguins:
Candy Cigarette by Sally Mann:
Dotted Man at wired.com:
Friendship Gesture - The Baby and Penguin:
Waiting Bride:
Let’s Talk - Two chating dogs:
Shot eye by Elliott Erwitt:
Do these pictures prove you that we don’t need a variety of vibrant colors all the time to express ourselves or you are still not convinced with the beauty of black-and-white?
Colors of Black and White Photography - U gonna love it! | Graphic Design Blog…
Few days back while browsing the net I stumbled across such beautiful pictures in black-and-white, that could not stop myself from appreciating this art without colors.
View this excellent job by different photographers with patience and new perspect…